Parental Notification Letter

This letter allows parents or legal guardians to formally notify a school principal about their specific demands and non-consent regarding their child’s exposure to or involvement in topics related to gender identity ideology. It asserts the parents’ rights to direct the upbringing and education of their child and requires the school’s compliance with their directives.

  • Introduction:
    • Addressed to the principal, including the principal’s name, school name, and address.
    • States the parents’ constitutional rights to direct their child’s upbringing, care, and education.
  • Demands and Non-Consent Statements:
    • Immediate Notification: Requires the school to inform parents immediately if the child expresses a preference for different pronouns, a different name, or a different gender identity from their biological sex.
    • Non-Consent to Instruction: Parents do not consent to their child receiving any instruction or information related to gender identity ideology, including topics like transgenderism, gender spectrum, and related subjects.
    • Non-Consent to Discussions: Parents do not consent to their child discussing gender identity ideology with any school personnel or third parties.
    • Non-Consent to Social Transitioning: Parents do not consent to their child socially transitioning at school, including using different names, pronouns, or facilities, and participating in activities reserved for a different sex.
    • Non-Consent to Referrals: Parents do not consent to any referrals of their child to counselors or mental health professionals regarding gender identity issues.
  • Religious and Parental Rights:
    • Asserts that exposing their child to gender identity topics violates the family’s religious beliefs.
    • Emphasizes that parental rights cannot be superseded by federal statutes like Title IX.
  • Request for Alternative Instruction:
    • Requests prior notice and alternative academic instruction for the child during any presentation or instruction on the specified topics.
  • Documentation and Compliance:
    • Directs that the notification be placed in the child’s permanent file and provided to all relevant school staff.
    • Warns of potential further action if the notice is violated.
  • Closure:
    • Requests prompt confirmation of receipt and compliance.
    • Signed by the parents and includes a place for the recipient to acknowledge receipt.
    • Suggests sending a hard copy via certified mail and copying relevant authorities if there is resistance from the school.

This letter can be used by parents or guardians who wish to exercise their rights to control the exposure of their child to gender identity ideology at school. It serves as a formal declaration of their non-consent to certain discussions, instructions, and actions regarding gender identity, ensuring that the school complies with their wishes and respects their parental rights and religious beliefs.


Sent via email to__________ and/or hand delivered

Principal Name

School Name

Street Address
City, ST ZIP Code


Re:  Parental Notice concerning [name of child(ren)] and issues related to  

       Gender Identity Ideology at school

Dear Principal [Last Name of Principal],

As parents and legal guardians of our minor child(ren), we/I exercise our/my right under the U.S. Constitution and the Constitution and laws of the State of ______________, to direct the upbringing, care, and education of our/my minor child(ren), and place school administrators on notice of the following:  

●     WE/I DEMAND IMMEDIATE NOTIFICATION if my child ever expresses a different pronoun, name preference or a different gender from his/her biological sex, or requests to be treated as any other identity that conflicts with his/her biological sex.

●     WE/I DO NOT CONSENT to my child receiving instruction or information on, or being subjected to discussion concerning gender identity ideology, including but not limited to: transgenderism, gender identity, gender spectrum, gender dysphoria, alternate gender pronouns, pronoun preferences, clothes changing closets, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, gender reassignment surgery (“top” or “bottom”surgery), or similar related subject matter.

This shall also include exposure to or participation in any surveys, digital or physical instructional materials, internet websites, social media, chat rooms or similar digital platforms, curricula, writing prompts, videos, clubs, small groups, lunch discussions, or any similar materials or gatherings regarding any topics listed above.

●     WE/I DO NOT CONSENT to my child speaking to or meeting with any adults, teachers, counselors,librarians, other school officials, or third parties on or off campus regarding gender identity or any of the above subjects related to gender identity ideology. Such matters relate to mental and spiritual health which school personnel are not qualified or authorized to discuss without our/my prior notice, consent, and involvement.

●     WE/I DO NOT CONSENT to any manner of my child socially transitioning at school. “Social transitioning”involves treating an individual as something other than his or her biological sex and includes things such as addressing that person by alternative names and/or pronouns not associated with his or her biological sex, taking on the appearance of a different sex, using the privacy facilities (bathrooms, locker rooms, showers, overnight accommodations) of a different sex, or being included inactivities (such as clubs or sports teams) reserved for a different sex. Properly understood, social transitioning a minor child is a significant mental health decision that school officials are not qualified or authorized to make and that necessitates the consent and involvement of a minor child’s parent(s).

●     WE/I DO NOT CONSENT to any referral of my child to a counselor, medical or mental health professional, social worker, within or outside the school, including School Based Health Clinics (SBHC), for purposes of discussing or addressing issues related to my child’s gender identity, gender identity ideology, or any of the topics listed herein.  

In addition to being medically controversial, such matters are directly contrary to our family’s faith of __________________________. Exposing our children to these materials,gatherings, or meetings violates our sincerely held religious beliefs.

Finally, should the school district interpret Title IX to require affirmation of a child’s asserted gender identity, please note that our constitutionally-protected parental rights to direct the upbringing, education, and medical and mental care of our child[ren] cannot be superseded by Title IX or any other federal statute.

We / I hereby request that we/I be given prior notice and instruct that our/my child be given alternative academic instruction during the same period that any presentation or instruction on any aspect regarding the above is provided. 

We/I hereby direct that this notification be placed in our/my child[ren]’s permanent file[s] and be provided to all people instructing,advising, or interacting in any way with our/my child during the school year.Any violation of this notice will be the subject of further action to protect our/my child.  We/I look forward to your prompt confirmation of receipt and your full compliance with the terms of this letter.




[Your name(s)]

Parent(s) of [child(ren) name(s)] 



[Received by _____________________________] 

cc:       [Name of School Counselor]


NOTE: If you receive resistance from school leadership or a matter arises in school involving your child’s identity, you should resend a hard copy of this letter via FedEx/UPS or certified mail and copy the school Superintendent, school board chairman and your family attorney, including“Esq.” and/or the name of the attorney’s law firm.