Section 1: Confronting Gender Ideology: Protecting Children and Defending Parental Rights
We are facing a cultural ideology that is teaching our children a lie – that they can be born in the wrong body. This lie is infiltrating our schools, media, and society, violating the basic human rights of our children. The Church can no longer stay silent behind its walls. This is our Esther moment – a call for action to defend truth and protect the next generation.
In this compelling introduction, Bernadette Broyles, President and General Counsel of the Child & Parental Rights Campaign, presents an urgent and eye-opening overview of the dangers posed by gender identity ideology. She emphasizes that this ideology is infiltrating schools, social media, and society at large, causing harm to children and tearing apart families. Bernadette stresses the importance of understanding the cultural moment and the need for churches to stand up and protect children from the false narrative that gender is fluid and separate from biological sex.
Throughout the video, Bernadette outlines the detrimental physical, emotional, and psychological effects of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and gender surgeries. She emphasizes that this is not just a social issue but a violation of children’s basic human rights. The Church’s role in confronting and reversing this ideology is paramount.
Bernadette also highlights the critical work being done through the Church Transgender Response Guide, which is designed to equip parents, church leaders, and youth to understand and combat this trend effectively.
Good morning. Alright. It is so wonderful to have you here. So as he mentioned, my name is Bernadette Broyles with v as in Victor, and I am the president general counsel of child and parental rights campaign. We are a public interest nonprofit law firm. Our sole mission is to protect the well-being of children and to defend parental rights against the harms of gender identity ideology throughout our nation and hopefully even into the rest of the world.
And so this morning, we're gonna we're gonna do some things.
We're gonna make you a little uncomfortable at times. But you know what? It's not until we become uncomfortable that we actually begin to move from where we are to where we need to be. So I promise you, I commit to you that before we're done, we will fill you with hope. So we'll go ahead and get started with what we want to share.
We're in a moment right now that is like perhaps none other in the history of the world, in that we have a cultural ideology that has infiltrated almost every institution of civil society in America and and actually in the Western hemisphere and is teaching our children a lie that they can be born in the wrong body, to defy their parents and their their faith leaders who to want to tell them the truth and to embrace this ideology.
This ideology is being spread like a like a cancer metastasizing through the Venus system of the culture through the Internet, and we're gonna talk more about that through schools. And as a result, a rising number of our children and our young people are harming their bodies, and we're gonna see exactly what it does to their bodies in the process believing this lie.
Now this lie is violating our children's most basic human rights. And one day, I just I just thought the Holy Spirit came on me one day, and I began to just pour out what are some basic human rights that children have. Well, first of all, they have the right to know that their sex is a gift and it's not a disease.
They have the right to know the truth about their biology and their identity.
They have the right to arrive at adulthood with the ability to have children themselves and with all their body parts and all their functionality not being stolen from them. They have the right to parents are able to make decisions for them in their best interest. They have the right to resist being a a patient for the rest of their lives. They have the right to be spared from harmful and experimental treatments, and I can go on.
This ideology is tearing the family apart because it is stripping away the protective layer of parents in order to be able to access the vulnerable child and young person.
Most importantly though, it's deconstructing the creative order.
Male and female. And it's replacing it with an ideology, a belief system, and I dare say a a world religion that says I can define myself. I can be my own God.
So in a moment like this, where you you you cannot have a continuing society that teaches the next gen that teaches the entire culture that there is no sexual binary, that the creative order is a lie. It it ultimately will consume itself.
So Esther has arrived on the scene. We cannot think that we can remain safe behind the walls of the church and escape this. This is our moment for the church to arise and to step in and defy and reverse the decree of destruction for our children and for our nation.
Alright. So in the midst of this, we were inspired to create the church transgender response guide, and that is the training we're bringing this morning. We will be equipping congregations to understand this trend. That's what I'll be talking about this morning. We'll be equipping church leaders to respond effectively.
We'll be equipping parents to be able to know how to protect your child or to rescue your child. And then we'll be equipping children themselves or those who work with children and young people themselves to be able to resist this trend. Alright. So let's get into what is the what is this transgender trend?
By the way, I wanna understand who's in the audience. How many are senior pastors?
Okay. How many are youth pastor or or ministers that work with youth?
Oh, good number. Okay. How many are, lay leaders in the church?
A good number. And how many are parents concerned parents? Wow. Okay. We have a really nice mix here today.
Historically, this the transgender trans identification was something that, afflicted boys, almost exclusively young boys.
And but you can see what's happened. It is not an organically occurring phenomenon because it has flipped in just the last ten years, so that now it's almost exclusively afflicting girls.
Easily, seventy five to eighty percent of those who trans identify and reject their bodies are girls, are females. And you can think of all the other things that girls and females have exhibited in our culture, you know, self harm, eating disorders.
And so you can see, in fact, doctor Lisa Littman did a wonderful study in which she observed that this phenomenon has all the markings of a social contagion.
It's it typically will begin to manifest not just one girl at a time, but in clusters of girls coming out, so to speak, all at the same time. And it's mediated by social vectors.
Typically around puberty, at the time when the body and socially and psychologically, our young people are going through massive change. Oftentimes, age twelve is a very critical time.
Now, it's a phenomenon that almost ex really exclusively is held together by the artifice of language.
You know, just as, just as Genesis taught us that the world and the universe was created by the words spoken by our creator, it's as if this ideology is a counterfeit religion that teaches people you can speak forth, you can declare your own identity and erase your reality and create a whole new reality.
And so very often, those who are proponents of this ideology, they're using language that we recognize the word, but they have a different dictionary.
So something like compassion or empathy means, well, you call me what I wanna be. Okay? You you you I co opt your belief system, and you now cooperate with my altered reality. That's now compassion.
For instance, sex assigned at birth. I'm tell sex assigned at birth. Has anyone heard that? Alright.
What is that?
So using language to create this this impression, this this sense of altered reality that sex is merely an arbitrary assignment, like like the number on your birth certificate.
And so it can be switched out arbitrarily sometime after birth.
Alright? So how do we respond to that?
Well, you have to understand that language can this is language contamination. It's contaminating our language that what we speak, what we commonly understand is altered, and so, therefore, it's altering perception and then is altering a sense of reality.
So normalization then turns into celebration. That's what we're seeing with young people, Turns into indoctrination, which is what we're seeing in schools, and then that becomes, and over the course of time, forced compliance. We're seeing this in Europe, and we're seeing it in certain parts of even our own country and in Canada, where if you misgender somebody, you actually are guilty of a misdemeanor.
You can be punished. You can be fined.
Don't think that this won't come here.
So what is gender dysphoria and gender identity ideology?
Gender dysphoria was previously known as gender identity disorder. It was it's it was a known disorder, and it changed in January. You're gonna have to tell me exactly what year, about seven or eight years ago maybe. She'll set me straight. I think it was right that time.
From a disorder to merely gender dysphoria. They wanted to take the disorder aspect out of it, but it is a disorder. It's disordered thinking.
Now, what we have is gender dysphoria, which is simply the unhappiness, the the discomfort that one feels with one's sex. But it's still in the DSM five in order to get covered by insurance.
What is gender identity ideology?
Let's be very, very clear. It is a belief system. It really has all the markings of a religion.
But at minimum, it is an ideology. It's a belief system that says that gender is a spectrum separate from sex and real and that it can be chosen and, frankly, that it overrides sex. It's more important than sex. It's a it's a it's a tautology. It's a circular reasoning, but I won't I won't go into how it's circulated. You could probably figure it out yourself. Gender is gender identity, which is gender, which is gender identity.
Okay. There's no substance beneath it.
We don't like to use gender identity as much as we can because in truth, that's a made up term.
We often use it's it's really your sexual identity that they're talking about. Alright. So is there water somewhere? I have some right here.
So what is influencing? What is carrying this trend?
In large part, it's social media and the Internet. We will have stories oh my gosh. We hear from so many parents where kids will have not gone to sleep. Their parents tuck them in. They think they're sleeping. They're up all night binging literally all night binging on social media, binging on influencers, the YouTubes, the shorts that are that come out on TikTok.
And, what happens that these these programs have algorithms.
And once it sees that a kid or a young person you know, kids their brain don't doesn't hard until twenty five or twenty six. Right?
Well, once they begin to show an interest in this, then the algorithms will suck them in into just ever never ending, feeding of this. And literally hours and hours of being your parents will not even know. And then all of a sudden, one day, first thing in the morning, mom, I realize I'm not a girl. I'm really a boy, and I want you to call me Joey, etcetera.
I we hear this so often, it breaks our heart.
Sorry. The slide is a little bit off, but what it then goes to do is to fundamentally distort what is family.
I'll make sure on my time, I stay I'm staying in the right time. Okay.
The family is the is the cell of the organism of your nation. Our nation is a living thing. Our culture is a living thing. And the basic cell is the family. You break the family, you break the cell, you kill the patient.
And so what this ideology is doing is that its its influencers and its promoters will teach young people and children things like, if your parents don't affirm your identity, they don't love you. Oh, and by the way, if you're not affirmed in your identity, you'll probably commit suicide. And literally, literally, they tell literally, they tell these young people this. In fact, over and over and over and over again, they sow the seeds deliberately of suicidal ideation until it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.
And in fact, so much so that one of the one of the, threats that these young people learn is to tell their parents and threaten their parents and to their teachers, I'm going to commit suicide if I'm not affirmed.
We'll go we'll talk about that some more later.
If you're if you think you're trans, you probably are trans. If you're not comfortable in your body, if you don't like your body, you're trans. Well, good god. What woman doesn't like her body when she's twelve? I mean, seriously.
So you can understand why it's attacking girls in particular. By the way, girls and women, we we do what? We're the givers of life.
Alright. So then once once it's begun to sow the seeds of discontent with parents and the accusation, that spirit of accusation against parents, then it begins to offer alternative family, a glitter family. We had a family Stephanie brought to my attention that called us and shared with us in New York that their I forgot exactly thirteen, fourteen, fifteen teenage, young teenage daughter began to trans identify.
Parents went on on board. Obviously, they wanted to uphold biological reality.
The child then began to, go to the school council. The school council began to come around and champion this thing and then begin to share with the child how you don't need to stay with your family. We can find you another family, a foster family. This is without going through the CPS system.
And I believe as of right now, this child is gone. She is now with this other family and this their parents actually is legally trying to get her back. And in some states, California, Oregon, Washington Uh-huh. They have Colorado. They have laws in place that now that Parenting. Shelter kids who have run away like this so that parent their parents can almost basically can't physically can't get them back. I'm telling you this is very real, and it's very serious.
Alright. What okay. We got we got we we have got to understand this. So please stay with me as I explain this because if you don't understand what's at stake, it's gonna pass you by.
What what these schools are doing is that they're socially transitioning children to to believe that there's something and project as if there's something other than their biological sex. But it but that's only the first step of a treatment modality. It's called the gender transition medical interventions model. The next step is now going into medical interventions that start to alter the body.
And around anywhere between nine it says a well, yeah. Okay. You can't read this slide, but I just want because it's a cool looking slide.
I'll tell you the main things that are in there. And it's in the guide. And it's in the guide. All of this stuff is in the guide.
So I actually have I've heard of kids that are twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, almost even sixteen that they're keeping on puberty blockers, by the way. So they'll start with puberty blockers. These are powerful chemicals used off label. All of this is off label. All of it. None of this is FDA approved.
That will stop and interfere with the child's healthy development. It'll it will not allow them to go into puberty.
Now, come on. Puberty is a essential developmental process where the body could be, you know, undergoes development that's necessary to become an adult, but also the brain. Also the brain.
After the puberty blockers, then comes cross sex hormones. You've arrested the child's development in their sex, and then you bring cross sex hormones that begin to manifest the appearance of the other the opposite sex.
The last is then surgeries, all kinds of surgery. I'm gonna tell you what these different things do in just a second, but surgery.
So, healthy breasts removed, double vasectomies, castrations, you know what that means.
Removing of the the hysterectomies.
What does this do?
Let me stop here for a second. Alright. When you give a young per a child, a young person, an adolescent, a developing adolescent, puberty blockers followed by cross sex hormones, you will chemically castrate that young person.
In fact, that cocktail has been used on sex offenders historically.
Okay. We're talking about young people themselves who haven't grown up. The ability to have a child themselves being deprived.
Them being deprived of it.
You also create well, for girls, you send them into they send that girl into menopause.
Menopause comes with a a host of different difficulties for for for women. But now not at fifty, but at fifteen or well, more like seventeen or eighteen or nineteen or twenty.
By the way, you shortened your life by a lot.
And then finally, loss of basic sexual function. So the inability to experience intimacy and enjoy, the enjoyment that the Lord God Almighty gave us.
Do you now understand why I said it's a it's a violation of children's basic human rights?
It is. Social transition is parked there real quickly.
It is not a benign intervention because when you socially transition a child, and that means, encouraging them to wear clothes at the opposite sex, typically hair change, binders, which is really becoming medical quite frankly, penis tucking. I'm sorry. I have to talk say things I normally wouldn't.
You reify that confusion. You harden it within them. And whereas studies have shown probably about two duddies dozen studies had shown that if you don't, transition a child, that they will naturally grow out of it in roughly eighty to ninety three percent, seventy to ninety three percent of the time.
Puberty itself, the development of process itself cures this thing.
But if you socially transition, it goes down to close to zero in the low in in the low figures. And so, then the likelihood of them moving into this medical transitions is almost inevitable.
So, alright. So, let's get to what's happening at schools after I talk about the mental health crisis.
In truth, our young people's mental health is in a free fall for all kinds of reasons. We could have a whole other conference on that. But this particular cohort is manifesting the most disruption of of healthy mindsets.
And I'd say it's the vast majority. I I would go so far as to say every. Every kid that trans identifies has either preexisting conditions or co occurring condition conditions. The most significant one is autism, and that's documented.
Roughly somewhere about forty percent of these kids are somewhere on the autistic spectrum. It's actually becoming a little less than that because now so many kids are happening, so it's become diluted. But that's a very significant portion of them are just they're on the autism spectrum, and we know the challenges that come with that.
A very high level of trauma. I'm gonna I'll skip that later. Trauma, trauma, sexual trauma, physical trauma, family trauma, ADHD, depression, etcetera.
And the problem that what makes this so insidious, what school officials and and influencers are doing is that by focusing, by offering this false response or answer or solution, oh, it's because you're born in the wrong body. Let's just make sure we treat you like you're the sex you wanna be.
They're not getting the mental health treatment that they need. So it's not surprising to find they do have an elevated suicide rate relative to the to the rest of the population.
But the studies also show, yeah, that this these treatments actually does not reduce the suicide rate.
Does not. In fact, there are several you probably have heard, you you may have heard of, you know, well, the studies show that if we give PPD blockers, it's gonna reduce the suicide rate. Well, no. Because the studies those studies have been done are few and they are riddled with scientific problems.
They have confirmation bias. They're too short. They lack controls. I mean, I can go on.
I'm a biology major. Sorry.
The there's about three really good long term studies. You gotta look longitudinally that have been done, and they're probably the best one is out of Sweden. The entire population of Sweden was analyzed sorry, and and and reported in two thousand eleven. Sweden is hardly anti LGBTQ and found that after full transition medically, the likelihood of this population committing suicide had gone up nineteen fold.
So if the whole purported reason for putting a child through this meat grinder is because it's gonna keep them from committing suicide because that's what they tell parents, by the way.
But the actual data shows that it only aggravates suicide. Why are we doing this?
There's something else at work.
There's an ideology. There's a spirit.
This whole suicide thing, this is the blackmail that they're putting in parents. Okay. So in order to get these treatments, particularly for minors, you have to have parental consent. Right?
Well, parents are coerced. They are co opted to go along with this because they're told, number one, this is the only treatment for your child by the medical professionals, the medical individuals, I'm an outcom professional, that do these these treatments, which is growing. There's now a hundred gender clinics or more across the country, and Planned Parenthood is getting in has gotten into it. It's now be it's now overtaking abortion as their moneymaker.
Planned parenthood shifted their business model to this because they see money in it. Okay.
So parents have told this is the only treatment. Parents have told your kid is gonna commit suicide if you don't. And this is a this is a phrase I personally personally have documented with courts in different parts of the country, have heard from parents talking about their daughter.
Do you want a live daughter or a a live son or a dead daughter?
This has actually been said to these parents.
I'm not gonna go into the whole I'm gonna leave to Israel the spiritual perspective. We know that trauma is deeply woven into this phenomenon. And and so here's this. For a young person, say a young girl who was violated in their in her body, lusted, and many times doesn't tell anyone, many times doesn't tell anyone.
The what happened to her body then becomes, I hate what happened to my body to I hate my body.
And for those of us in the room who have been violated, you know exactly what I'm talking about.
And I can speak from personal experience.
Thank God I wasn't born in this generation.
Alright, I'm gonna talk about detransitioners and then we're gonna talk briefly. I'm gonna cede to january to talk about schools.
No, actually, I'm gonna take some some questions because we still have a little bit of time.
So there is a voice that's rising up.
Again, stay with me because we gotta take you through this dark stuff. It is dark. This is the darkest thing that I have ever had in my legal career. It's actually darker than abortion.
Equally dark as abortion. It's the abortion of live children.
Once they're alive, then we still take their future.
But there is hope. There are these powerful, courageous people that are speaking out about what happened to them, who went through the darkness, but came on the other side, and they call themselves detransitioners.
Well, now they're creating fits for the other side. But what we've heard over and over and over, we work with them a lot, a a great deal. They're often witnesses in our cases, and they're kind of blowing up the whole narrative. But what they what they share is that it did not solve their problems.
Going and breaking their body did not solve their problems. In fact, it created new problems. And so, I have here a group of detransitioners. I know, in fact, they're with me at a hearing in, a public hearing in Florida in order to change the rules in Florida.
And so the first young lady is Zoe.
Zoe Haas, she was actually pregnant there, a miracle. It was a miracle that she was able to conceive.
Prisha Prisha Moseley, she sued her tormentor. Helena, is next. Can't they grand last name? Kirschner.
She's been on a lot of things.
Aaron, who had socially transitioned. Camille Camille Kiefer. I I didn't get to talk about some of the, effects of these treatments. So they they they cause tremendous pain all over the body. They cause atrophy of of the vaginal wall with girls. I mean, bad. We had one young lady who talked who shared with us that after having sex, her her vaginal wall was so thin that it it tore.
It just tore open, and she was bleeding so badly that she had to be taken to the emergency room.
It it greatly increases all kinds of cardiovascular effects and and heart disease. We have Sydney Sydney Wright, the transitioner in Alabama, who developed a heart problem, tachycardia, as a result of taking testosterone. It causes tremendous, intestinal problems. And it causes it greatly increases the likelihood of cancer.
It actually causes emotional and psychological disturbance, believe it or not. So, you have disturbed kids getting substances that causes psychological disturbance, especially peer review blockers. It's just perverse.
And then there's just all of these, like, unknown. We we keep hearing different things from Camille. She had her hands would grow cold and then begin to hurt and, grow like greenish because the circulation would be cut off. It was very, very painful, her hands and her feet, and all these other symptoms that we're just learning along the way as we experiment on human beings.
Kat is the one with the glasses on her head. She's amazing. And then, oh, and then and then Ted is here with us today, Ted Haley.
And, Ted had gone through the full Monty and, and now knows the Lord and is a powerful advocate and a voice telling the truth about what these things do. There's a scripture that says that the children of darkness are more cleverer than the children of light.
We are seeing that play out here without question. Those who are who are proselytizing this ideology are more passionate about accessing our children or have demonstrated have demonstrated greater passion at proselytizing their god, their ideology than we have been.
But that's in Canada. Because what they have done is very strategically, deliberately, like a like a military campaign almost, have infiltrated the the business world, all the mountains of society with the church is the last. The last honestly, it's the last one standing. We'll get back into that. I'm holding myself back. But they have they have gone into, very much so, into, corporate America and and has has sought to so normalize these concepts that anyone who disagrees is intimidated.
And it just becomes just a normative you just you just flow with this current that's carrying us away.
It's not foregone. Let me tell you right now, it is not for look what happened to, Anheuser Busch. Right? And then, what's what happened to Target?
Target is, like, bleeding money. It's not gone, but they have gotten very far down the road. I'm gonna cede my time now to miss January Lipjohn. She's my my client, my friend, and a mental health professional.
Up next