Section 6: Equipping Parents and Churches with Resources to Protect and Guide Children Amid Cultural Challenges
We must equip our churches and parents with the tools to protect our children in today’s challenging culture. With resources like the Church Transgender Response Guide and School Response Guide, we empower parents to stand firm and make their voices heard in the schools. It’s essential that we provide support, whether through legal means, training, or prayer, to defend the next generation.
In this video, the speaker introduces various resources designed to help churches and parents navigate the challenges posed by transgender ideologies and child protection concerns. Key resources mentioned include:
• Church Transgender Response Guide: A comprehensive guide for churches to respond effectively to gender-related issues.
• School Response Guide: A tool for parents and churches to manage interactions with schools, including how to communicate parental instructions regarding children.
• Resources for dealing with Child Protective Services (CPS): Practical advice for churches and parents if they encounter CPS interventions.
The speaker encourages church leaders and parents to be proactive, utilizing these resources to create a strong legal and moral foundation for protecting their children’s rights. Additionally, they highlight the importance of supporting ongoing legal cases through donations and prayers, noting that many lawsuits are being filed to protect parental rights.
We have some resources that we would love to share with you. Joe, would you be kind enough to bring both the book and the I thought I had more things there.
Thank you.
So as you know, we have the church transgender response guide, and I thought I had we also have two resources that go along with it.
And that is a booklet that is not here.
But It's a small one.
It's out there.
It's out there on the table.
It's out here. How to how to deal with school officials. We have a booklet of how to deal with child protective services, and then we have, the the school response guide.
We also have letters for what you can write to as parents or what you can help parents write to, school officials to let them know, here's my parental instruction about what you're allowed to do with my child and what you're not allowed to do. Okay?
It they might violate it, but at least you put them on notice, then it'll certainly be good evidence of you or you have to file a lawsuit, which we sometimes have to do. Here are the two booklets that I was talking about. So there's a a wealth of information and resources on our on our website. Please avail yourselves of them. We try to keep the prices, you know, way, way, way, way beneath what we actually cost to produce them.
If you would like to have and that's on here. If you would like to have training and by the way, if you there's a QR code here if you wanna, Yeah.
Give give a check.
If you wanna go ahead and get that because you you can also get the downloadable version. And a lot of people I've had some past access to speaking to an apostle recently. He's like, you know, I wanna I wanna download it. So that was better for him, and it made me feel and then that way you can share it with others once you've downloaded it.
But if you also would like a training if you wanna gather I was talking with Darius who is actually a a senior pastor, in the the Cobb Church of Victory.
If you want I encourage you. If you enjoyed this, if you found this helpful, if you found this inspiring, whatever, Gather a gather gathering of the ministers, other churches. This was our pilot training. This is like you are our guinea pigs, and you are great.
We would love to bring training to to other places. We would love to kick off doing this over and over again and, all over all over the state. We'll we'll go all over the nation, and we can zoom in if necessary.
And so the way you can contact us for that is info at child parent rights dot org. So child parent rights dot org is our is our website, but it's info at child parent rights dot org. Contact us, and, we would we would love to provide this training, and we would conscript this one as much as often and and and January as much as we can. And then finally, if you'd like to support us, and this is what went back to the to the last slide. If you wanna support what we're doing here or you perhaps your church does, we have seven federal lawsuits about to file another one. Each one takes probably a quarter of a million dollars, and years.
Four, five, six, eight, ten years. We believe any one of our we believe one of our cases will reach the Supreme Court. It just it will they're all have the potential to set precedent, everyone, because this is such in a new and emerging area, and we were the forerunners. In fact, we we filed, I think I think it was the first case, I believe, on this issue, and then others have filed since then. So, if you would like to support what we're doing to represent parents in court and then also this training, it's it's it's all very expensive. We would love that. Particularly if you it kinda make it a monthly partnership is even fifteen dollars, but going monthly, it's really helpful.
So we're gonna invite that, and I think that's all I have to say.
Yeah. We're gonna go ahead and send out the slides to you. We're also gonna be, we're looking at, creating something like this, in the future. So, you know, your feedback is welcome.
And, that's it. So, be in stay in touch with us. We'll stay in touch with you. And we're gonna go.
You have a question?
There is a runoff election this coming Tuesday, and there's some judges on there which are non partisan. There's a school board race on that ballot.
There's a Marxist running against Steve rather liberal school board to a much more conservative school board, and we've gotten more, some some godly Christian people on both the school board and the county commission.
So pray folks that this will start begin to turn things around.
Amen. Amen. Amen. And we're in fact, with that thought, we are gonna pray. We're gonna close in prayer.
I'm gonna we're gonna tag you all started to finish it. The judges thank you, Judy. Judy Quickley, has been a friend and, for a long time.
The judges are so important. We're finding that judges are receiving, what do they call it? Judicial training by trans activists.
Like, the judge that presided over the loss of our kid, our our girl in Arizona that I've I've told you about, she got judicial training. And it was it once it happened, it was very hard to ever for her to hear us to hear the parents.
So who what president appoints the judges on the federal court makes all the difference. If you have judges that are activist and have been, you know, indoctrinated into these ideas, you're not gonna get justice. So, again, the power is in our hands to decide who our leaders are gonna be. So thank you. Yeah. Alright. I'm gonna go ahead and and, we're gonna close off in prayer, and I'll start, and then I'll hand it over to you.
Hallelujah. Blessed are you, Lord. Blessed are you, Lord, maker of heaven and earth.
Holy and righteous is your name.
And of the increase of your kingdom, there is no end.
You are ever increasing, ever advancing.
Even the universe that reflects your glory is still expanding, the scientists have found.
So, Lord, we thank you that you're not backing up. You're not backing down, and you're not and you're not telling us that we should either. Lord, thank you for how you have partnered with us. You're inviting us into a holy partnership with you.
In Jesus.
Lord god, you are inviting us.
Holy spirit of god who's within us, give us the courage, the love. Your word says love never fails. So give us this unfailing power within us. Fill us with it that we will not fail. We will not back down. We will not come at the cost and say no to it's too high, lord.
Father, we understand that our human nature is not really capable of this, but yours is within us.
So we look to you even when we feel overwhelmed when we feel troubled we feel anxious we feel hurt by all of this Lord Lord we lean into you we lean into you and you promise you would never leave us or forsake us so we we trust your promise that we will not be overcome that when we go through the fire it will not burn us that we go into the waters it will not overwhelm us and will not sweep us away you will give us what we need to do with that which you're commanding us to do.
Lord God and it's not simply command but it is also an invitation Lord so as that each person Lord God is standing here I pray right now that you release unto them the instruction, the counsel, the encouragement, the specificity of what it is that you would have each one of us to do within our realm that Lord that we will find the joy Lord there's great joy in all of this when we see the kingdom of darkness being defeated Lord God. Jesus you were you were filled with joy when your disciples came back and they reported to you the demons had to submit to your name sickness had to go at the sound of your name Lord we want to give you joy That is my highest our highest goal is to fill you with joy that we will have done what you have commanded us to you, and you would tell us good and faithful servant.
You are good. Your faith goes so filled with joy because of you. Let that be that what we do as we leave here, that we find that sweet spot of what it is that how you wanna walk with us and use us to to turn this evil back and to stand at the gate. And you know what?
To even plunder the darkness.
Thank you, Lord. Lord, I just wanna bless before I turn this over to Israel. I wanna thank you for Victory Church, Lord God. I wanna thank you for this flagship. I wanna thank you for this outpost of righteousness in a dark land, lord god, because your word promised in Isaiah sixty one that the light will arise and shine and will circumnavigate the earth, and Victory Church is one of the beacons.
And I thank you, And I just wanna bless it from the bottom of my soul, Lord God, for how it is, the courage it has exhibited, and that it shall in the future, and every person that's come here in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Lord Jesus, we just ask that you heal our land, Lord Jesus. Amen. Sexual confusion, dysphoria, Lord Jesus. The LGBTQ community, Lord, that is out there looking for all the wrong things, Lord Jesus, that is seeking out to meet their legitimate needs through illegitimate ways.
Lord, we ask you that you will be there, God. They will come to know you, Lord Jesus, that you will welcome them the table of friendships so that they might understand your love and your undying grace for them. I thank you for the people that are in this room. I thank you for the CPRC team, Lord Jesus.
And for all that are here, for all that are watching online, I pray the Lord will bless you with courage, confidence, a fresh understanding of God's authority, and the ability to just know that when you walk into a room, you are an agent of truth and grace. We thank you for these things. Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
Amen. Amen.
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