Section 5: Empowering Children to Stand Firm in Their Identity and Faith Amid Cultural Pressures
Our kids are powerful because they are precious, and the enemy knows this. That’s why they are a target. But we must equip them to stand firm in their identity. Let’s teach them they are fearfully and wonderfully made, give them the tools to resist cultural pressures, and remind them they have the power to say, ‘I don’t feel safe with this conversation, I need to call my parents.’ By doing this, we help them protect their hearts and minds, even when we can’t be with them.
In this video, the speaker emphasizes the importance of empowering children to protect themselves against the cultural and ideological challenges they face, particularly in schools and other environments. Given that church leaders and parents cannot always be with their children, it is vital to instill in them a strong sense of identity and resilience.
Key points include:
• Children must be taught they are “fearfully and wonderfully made,” emphasizing their intrinsic value and purpose as creations of God.
• Encouraging children to respond to inappropriate conversations about gender or identity by saying, “I don’t feel safe having this conversation. I want to call my parents.”
• Teaching children the importance of guarding their hearts and minds, especially against trusted individuals who might introduce harmful or confusing ideologies.
• Youth leaders and parents should model courage and resilience, demonstrating how to stand firm in truth and resist peer pressure.
• The power of love bombing from activist groups is discussed, and the need to ensure children feel deeply valued and loved in their home and church environments is stressed.
So the truth of the matter is that you can't be with the kids. Your parishioners can't be with their kids. You can't be with those kids that come to your youth group, all the time. In fact, probably, in fact, frankly, a small percentage of their time can you actually be with them, strangely enough.
And so it is imperative. In some ways, this might be the most important part of the talk. It is imperative that we begin to understand those of us who work with kids, those who work we work with parents who are working with kids, those of us who are parents, that we begin to train them up, to equip them, to empower them, to be able to protect themselves. I am sorry.
We live in a world today that that minors have to have to fight this war to protect themselves.
But, you know, when you really think about it, about throughout history, young people having they have been forced to I mean, look at the civil rights movement. It was many young people had to endure. Those who are bussed into hostile schools, god help me. They had to endure. And so our kids are powerful.
In a certain sense, if we if we recognize and then put the spirit of god is in them and we're and we're praying over them, there's a power that is around them. So let's not debilitate them by by feeling sorry for them or causing themselves to feel sorry for themselves.
Let us let us even empower them with the sense that you've been entrusted to be born in such a time as this. God chose you to be born now.
Somehow, he must have figured that you'd have what it takes to deal with this onslaught that's coming against you. It wants you. Why? Because you're precious, because you're powerful.
And there's something that you have the enemy wants, but he's not gonna have it. So how do we help how do we help empower them to be able to fortify themselves? First of all, we need to equip our children with the truth.
They need to understand from a very and all of this has to be age appropriate. Right? But even from a very first stage, from the first that they're able to understand language, that number one, you're fearfully and wonderfully made. Fearfully, wonderfully made.
Fearfully because you make the devil tremble.
I used to tell my my three and four my my my son is now in law school. When he was three and four at four, I put on the floor. I got him a little armor. When he was two and three, I would tell him, you make the enemy scared.
And that you were wonderfully made. God does not make mistakes.
We can start telling them that from the beginning.
And you tell them someone, you know, when you told them any of these things I'm about to tell you, youth pastors that you shared with your kids enough when they finally go, stop. I've heard it enough. Like, I've done my job. Okay.
Mhmm. I I I did what I was supposed to do. Now we can move on to the next thing.
Because the other side the other side won't quit.
The other side won't go easy.
The other side doesn't play fair. And the other side doesn't know too young to get into whatever.
So neither neither should we. We should be more tenacious than the other side because my god, we love them better.
Your name.
Why is it I'm often, why I still I let I I lay up at night a lot of times thinking about why what what is this about this, that, and the other in this crazy world? Why their name? Why are they so after our kids' names?
I get the pronouns.
Their names.
Well, because your name is linked to your purpose and to your identity.
Number one. And it's a man it's one of the very first first manifestations of your parents' love for you. What is one of the first things that children say other than mama, dada? It's their name.
Why? Because their parents picked it up for them. It's the first gift other than life that your parents give you, your name.
So if if if an activist or predator can take an the name away from a child or or cause a child to give away their name, they're taking the first gift their parents gave them as well as their god given purpose and identity.
Alright. Equipping your child to guard their own heart. That's the second main thing we need to do. As they begin to get older now and have more re more responsibility, more sense, they now need to begin to understand how to guard their own heart.
In the past, we used to talk to kids about I know this is plowing a little bit of field we did before. Stranger danger. Now it's no longer stranger danger. Thinker don't think of stranger danger, although that's still out there.
Think of strange topics because many of the the much of the dangers that we're dealing with now is not by unknown people. It's actually by trusted people, and that's what makes it so perverse.
It's your favorite teacher.
That was your favorite teacher is what who got to, January's kids. So it's it's now not it's now a stranger, but it's someone that I know who gets into strange topics. And so you you need to teach your children this. January said it earlier, but it wasn't it was a little different than how I like to share it. Teach your kids, and that may maybe your kids your kids in your groups, this phrase. If nothing else, take a picture of this.
Say to my daughter, say to Alicia, if any adult or even any other kid starts to talk to you about whether you might have been born in the wrong body, do are you truly a girl?
Might you maybe be a boy? Anything along those lines, and I would bring up, you know, the whole pan of the impossible. Anything like that, you put up your little hand, and you are powerful enough to say this. I don't feel safe having this conversation with you. I want to call my mom. I wanna call my dad. I wanna call my parents.
That's respectful.
It is. But it also is respecting yourself. And I mean, that could even be in a classroom where I'm asked if asked to be excused. Okay.
Fine. So maybe they get in trouble, but then they have to deal with you as a parent. And then you then you know what's going on because your kid didn't just sit there and take it. Alright?
And then you take them out of school.
Kids with strain. Okay. Now when you have kids, not everyone has relationships with their parents. That's good.
You know, you have all kinds of kids come to your youth groups, your small groups, whatever the case may be, to your church. So and and some have, you know, really strange relationships with parents. Some can be where, you know, there's divorce.
There may be something that may borderline abusive. I I mean, you know, there's so in those situations, you're gonna have to exercise a lot of wisdom. Who is the lady to talk about prayer? Oh my gosh.
Prayer, prayer, prayer. Always. Every point. Every point. Always. Prayer, prayer, prayer, prayer.
Whatever you didn't get here or whatever you got here and you need to apply, ask the holy spirit to give you the understanding in the moment. I promise you, I'm making you a promise. Even if we didn't talk about it today, if you ask the holy spirit for the insight, he's gonna give it to you. Never feel incompetent because he's not. You just have to be obedient to what you're hearing.
So if you have pause there for a minute.
So if you have kids with a strained relationship with the parents, something you might consider is offering to facilitate that conversation with the parents.
It's not appropriate, I I don't believe, to come to to try to sever that relationship in some way to interfere with it in some way and kinda do what the other side does. But you can certainly facilitate. Hey. Listen.
I'm happy to meet with your mom or dad, and you here. You know what? I'm happy to come to your house and all of us sit down together and try to talk about it. You know?
Try to work with facilitating it.
And if it's just really, really, really bad, then my god, make that that child the object of your prayer and intercession.
Obviously, if there's actual abuse, like, actual, actual, actual physical abuse, harm, well, there is there is child protective service, but but the honest that's the fringe. Most often, it's just strain, and you can step into that gap.
Alright. Equipping young people to resist.
Oh, wow. I am okay. I'm good. I'm better on time than I thought it was.
We then need to equip young people to resist peer pressure.
You know, Proverbs thirteen twenty says, walk with the wise and become wise, but the camp companion of fools suffer harm.
Well, so here's the first thing that I make it onto the slide. Your kids won't be able to resist peer pressure if you don't.
If we don't.
If we as pastors and ministers and leaders succumb to the peer pressure of our fellow hip, you know, culture savvy pastors who are going along with us or to those who are threatening us on social media or those who might might show up in the front of the church and protest or whatever form of influence of of pressure.
If we can't resist that influence, how are you gonna expect our kids to? They're not.
So we have to start there. But but once you do, you know, we just we have to, we have to teach them that looking around at your friends will tell you all about where you're gonna become because we know what the Bible says about that. So choose wisely. And quite frankly, as parents, or those who are working with parents or those who are influencing kids, I'd be straight up.
Having peers, having friends that are going down this path that are that are that are identifying in this way and that are all bought in, feel free to sever the sever those relationships.
I would I would get involved and I would you know, because you you you need to cut off those influences that'll be dragging your child or dragging those that you're working with into a bad place.
One of the things that January talked about, but it's but it gets here is the oh, I went on I went on to the next one. It's the love bombing.
The reason why the activists who are promoting this trans identification, they really do. They engage in this incredible love bombing. You saw a little bit on on some of the the video, but it's it's over the top. It's like all of a sudden, this now trans identifying person, they went from being a white privileged girl, so that means an oppressor according to the CRT model.
Right? You know? This the the worst person on the the victim totem pole. Okay? You know?
So now they can escape being the white oppressor, which is just a horrible person to be if you're in that kind of environment, to now a victim and a and a sympathetic person because now you're trans. And now you just went way up in the victim creds.
I have talked to detransitioners, one in particular, Helena, who says that's part of why it I went down this hole. I just got tired of being told that I was privileged and a hateful, oppressive person.
I I I want to be something different.
So the love bombing works where there is and in particular works where there's a love deficit.
Part of what we wanna do with our kids is not don't allow there to be a love deficit.
Don't allow anyone else to possibly tell your child more than you or those who are in your group more than you how incredible they are, how powerful they are, how essential they are, how gifted that they are, how beloved by by God they are, how unique they are. Come on. We could go on, and he wouldn't even be making it up.
So that, you know, when they get it from Simba, a little girl who is taught how to be treated by her dad, treated like a lady, door open for her, treated like a princess is not gonna fall for some slippy, slappy boy, okay, who's gonna wanna pick her up and take her off somewhere. No. Because she she had a higher she had a better standard reservation put inside of her. Same thing for our kids. There's some slippy, slappy people waiting to seduce your kids into an ideology that is beneath them.
Yeah. Amen. Alright.
We need to I talked about the peers. Alright. We need to equip our kids to stand for the truth.
There is a case. It's the Tinker case.
It's a, a constitutional, Supreme Court case that was decided in nineteen sixty nine, Tinker versus Des Moines Independent School District that says in black and white by the Supreme Court that school children do not lose their constitutional rights at the school door, and they don't.
Now that proposition is being directly challenged.
You heard about the kid who went to school and he had a T shirt saying there are only two genders, and he was suspended and and and then his his parents had to they they filed a lawsuit on his behalf.
But the truth but simply because their constitutional rights are being challenged doesn't mean that they don't exist anymore.
The way that you you we have to assert them, and we have to teach our children that they can assert them. So they still have free speech rights. They still have free exercise rights.
Truth truth is a person according to the word of god.
So truth can be taken to school because you can take this person with you when you go to school. Teach your kids that. Take truth with you. He's a person.
And, you don't have to leave him at the door.
One of the things that you have to teach them, though, is it's also something that we have to learn ourselves. So I'm almost done here.
And that is first Peter three fifteen.
And and the more the longer it says, always be prepared to give an answer for the hope that is within you. Now we've often have heard that. Right? I've been pondering though on the on the remainder of that of that verse, and it says, but do so with gentleness and respect so that you may keep a clear conscience.
So it is incumbent upon us that as we speak the truth in this arena, yes, there is a gender binary. Yes. God did make male and female. No. It is simply it's not possible to change sex. All of these things that we do so with gentleness because most of the people that we're talking to that we're dealing that we're maybe confronted by, there's trauma there.
So a gentle answer turns away wrath as out of the book of Proverbs with gentleness and respect.
You know what? They're made in the image of god too.
And even as hard sometimes it is for me to remind myself, even those that are proponents of this okay. Some are monsters.
But for the most part, Kinsey who experimented on children sexually I'm sorry. He was a monster. But for the most part, many, they're humans too, and they're worthy of respect even as you make clear what the truth is.
Right? And so when we teach your child to always be respectful and gentle when they are but when they when they do stand for the truth. If you notice, my my tone has been on purpose.
I've been trying to model the type of tone that I would take in talking to someone. I don't back down in terms of the content of what I have to say. I pretty much never do.
But I modulate my tone. I I bring my face into into discipline and how I'm looking looking at them, looking into their heart when I say these things that are hard for them to hear.
One time I had to say it to a judge, and that was really hard, because she got mad at me. But you even still even when people get mad at you, you still have to maintain that posture, and that's what we have to teach our our kids.
So I wanna close, I think, I wanna close this part, and we'll take a final q and a, and then we'll do some final housekeeping.
Am I doing something? No. No. I'm not doing something. To to to wrap up, and then we're gonna end, like, on time. That's just amazing.
I wanna close with this thought, and that is modeling courage as a habit for our kids, for all of us who have kids, are working with kids, care about kids, have seen kids, are gonna be in the race with kids as a result, and pastors who are over those that are working with kids.
They have to see you.
They have to see you be courageous consistently, compassionate and courageous consistently.
Otherwise, they will not feel safe.
They will not feel like their world is in order. And one of the things that children if you know child development, a critical need of children is they need order around them.
They need boundaries, but they need order. And so when they see adults out of order because they're being cowardly, cowardly is disorderly. Cowardly is rebellion.
There's some scriptures about cowardice in the script in in the word that's harsh.
And when they see if they see a lack of of courage in their pastor to speak the truth from the pulpit, They're not hearing that from their their youth leader when they're spending time with them and they're and when they're they're seen in the cage, if they're nuts or or their their parents in dealing with school or refusing to. The worst cowardice is not showing up.
Because then you just concede it. You don't even show up for the game. Fine. Show up and lose. I'd rather show up and lose, but I show it up. If I don't show up and they win, shame on me.
They need to so they need to see that you did show up for them. When they got in trouble because they spoke both the truth and then they got detention or they got suspension, that their parents show right up the next day.
Or that maybe they're you know, some youth pastor, I'll say, well, you can't go with a with a with a parent to their school to help them and to advocate for them.
You're a community advocate. Why not? But if they don't see that, then they don't feel safe to take this on themselves.
Okay? That's why this training is so important.
I believe before I get to housekeeping, I believe the tide is turning. Now I've spent a long time, again, trying to not trying to, jacking you up because there's no way not to when we're talking about this topic.
But I do wanna leave you before I get to the these these housekeeping things.
As someone who's given my life to defeat this monster, I've shut my private practice down. There's no other there's no plan b for me and those who are working with me.
We're beginning to see something shaking, something.
A tie turning parents are waking up. Moms for Liberty is now a hundred and twenty thousand members strong.
There's no one moms for America. There's there's just grassy things just spiking up, and you're here. Victory stepped up and made this happen, helped make this guide happen.
We're just getting started. This is our pilot training. We're just getting started.
Jesus said, the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
It was the church that is us.
I promise you, if we take our stand and our stand at the gates and bar it to hell taking our children, the next generation, We're gonna save our nation.
We're gonna do it. I don't know how long it's gonna take. I don't know why some of us end up in jail before it's done. I don't know.
But our lord gave everything.
How do we not give?
How do we not give what's required?
I think we will. I truly do think we will.
I wanna thank you for coming, and I'll share a few things about what's next.
Up next